- Dr Lee Boon Yang, Minister of Information, Communications and the Arts, June 1 2006

Members of the PAP team of Jurong GRC unveiling themselves to the electorate in a costume parade, New Paper Apr 17, 2006. Jurong GRC was uncontested.
Mr Brown vs Ms Bhavani
Landmines everywhere
Mr Brown, the de facto spokesperson for responsible blogging in Singapore, whose slogan to bloggers during the recent elections was "Prison got no broadband," has found himself tripping on a landmine beyond the boundaries of the invisible OB markers (out-of-bound markers) of political expression.

He pens satires, makes fresh and astute observations of social and political life in Singapore, publishes pictures of himself and his family, and receives no salary or official commendation for his labour of love.
She writes in official-speak, makes hackneyed and cookie-cutter arguments on the government's role in Singapore, issues veiled threats under the covers of political office, and for which she gets paid, more than handsomely one suspect, to preserve the status-quo of her employers.
She is now accusing him of being partisan, of hiding behind the covers of anonymity and of encouraging cynicism.
Read Mr Brown's article
and Ms Bhavani's response
Cherian George, accused of being "partisan" by the Prime Minister's Office just earlier this year, chips in on Bhavani's reply.
Others weigh in.