Saturday, August 23, 2008

Top 100 Political Videos (that are likely to be banned in Singapore)


The following videos are arbitrarily ranked according to their strength of message and likelihood of being banned by the Singapore censors. The list will be continually updated.

Also visit Singapore Viewer for more videos


1. One Nation Under Lee 2008
2. The Maid Trade - Singapore 2008
3. Zahari's 17 Years 2007
4. Anti-death penalty forum 2005
5. Hitler And ERP Woes (Singapore) 2008
6. Hitler Slams Failed Investment 2009
7. Miserables In Singapore 2009
8. Dr Chee Soon Juan's Message to President Obama 2009
9. NS Song 2007
10. Singapore bans "Zahari's 17 Years" 2007

11. Singapore - Time For Change 2008
12. Lee Kuan Yew: World-renowned statesman and race realist 2008
13. Malay and Proud of It.. 2007
14. Money No Enough 3 2008
13. Riot police vs four silent protesters in Singapore 2006
14. Singapore Police Abduction (Part 1) and (Part 2) 2007
15. Censors seize film One Nation Under Lee, Part 1 and Part 2
16. Message of defiance from Singapore activists 2007
17. Singapore Rebel 2005
18. Nation Builders 2007
19. Singapore - Broken Promises 2008
20. NS for Singaporeans, Jobs & Scholarships for Foreigners 2008

21. Fixing The Opposition 2008
22. Rebels With A Faith - Singapore 2008
23. Shine for Singapore Song 晴空万里 2008
24. Said Zahari's book launch 2007
25. Poor in singapore can't afford food 2008
26. SDP Consumer Day protest - the Arrival, the Protest, the Arrest, part 2 2008
27. The Police State 2008
28. SDP World Consumer Rights Day March and Protest Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 2008
29. Singapore - Stand up for change 2008
30. PAP is the enemy - know your enemy 2007

31. Charged for speaking in public without a permit 2007
32. CSJ on Minister Pay Hike Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 2007
33. A Singaporean Singapore 2008
34. Burmese staged peaceful demonstration in Singapore 2007
35. Free Burma, Free Singapore 2007
36. Protest Outside Burmese Embassy in Singapore 2007
37. Petition-signing at Burmese embassy in Singapore 2007
38. Lee Kuan Yew 2007
39. SDP members arrested outside the Istana, Singapore 2007

40. Singapore Police video-taping protestors at Burma Embassy 2007
41. Kudos to Lee Kuan Yew, for finally succeeding in making a little girl cry! 2008
42. The Shameless LIAR- IBA letter & Report - LKY 2008
43. "Loong Loong And His Loyal Dog" 2008
44. Cowards - the father - LKY 2008
45. Cowards - the son - LHL 2008
46. Dick Lee sings We Are Singapore! 2007
47. Chee Soon Juan's WFDA address 2007
48. Chee Soon Juan addresses SDP cadres Part 1 and Part 2 2007
49. This Old Man 2007
50. The Mas Selamat Story 2008

51. Human Rights Day: Singapore Lawyers petition to Law Society 2007
52. Singapore's extraordinary government 2007
53. Homeless and poor in Singapore 2007
54. The Singapore government welcomes you to emigrate to Singapore to replace its rebellious locals! 2008
55. Flame of Democracy 2007
56. Is Chee Soon Juan A Psychopath Or Freedom Fighter? 2008
57. Capital punishment in Singapore 2008
59. Banned Conference In Singapore: Part 1 and Part 2 2007
60. SDP Election Reform Forum (Dr Chee) - Part 1, 2, 3 2008

61. Mas Selamat Kastari - Toilet escape Video. 2008
62. Mee Siam Mai Hum MTV 2006
63. Lee Kuan Yew's PAP will be remembered forever! 人民行动党 - 百世留名! 2008
64. SGHR celebrates Human Rights Day at speakers corner 2007
65. The Importance of Being Elite 2006
66. The Chees vs The Lees 2008
67. SG Human Rights petition for Burma to ASEAN 2007
69. WE LIVE IN SINGAPURA the MTV version 2006
70. CSJ's Message From Prison 2006

71. Singapore General Election 2009 新加坡大选: BERUBAH 改变 மாற்றம் CHANGE 2009
72. Chee Soon Juan prison release 2007
73. Chee Soon Juan's Release from Prison, June 2008 2008
74. NUS International Students Vigil Walk 2007
75. Betrayal (The First Chapter of a Notorious Singapore Book) 2008
76. Chee Soon Juan at SDP rally 5th May Part 1 2006
77. Dr Chee at Rally 2006 Woodlands 2006
78. 搬金八辆 (Moving 8 Lorry-loads of Gold) 2008
79. Seelan Palay's 5 Day hunger strike, part 1, part 2, montage 2008
80. Human Rights Torch Relay in Singapore 2008

81. SDP Tak Boleh Tahan Campaign! May Day, Interviews Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 2008
82. SDP's Tak Boleh Tahan Event Toa Payoh Lorong 1 2008
83. Tak Boleh Tahan press statement by Chia Ti Lik 2008
84. Umbrella at policemen / George Bush in NUS 2007
85. Tribute Video To Mr. JBJ - True Singapore Hero 2007
86. Reform Party Inauguration Dinner, Opposition show of unity, Speech 2008
87. Burmese in Myanmar Embassy in Singapore Song, Part 1, Part 2 2008
88. The Singapore Shame 2008
89. May Day Message from SDP Chair 2008
90. Kawanku by Namewee 2007

91. A video in support of Singapore's Ministry of Education (MOE)'s Civics and Moral Education (CME) and National Education (NE) curriculum 2008
92. Handphone-shot election rally videos 2006
93. Workers' Party 50th Anniversary/GE 2006 2007
94. Burma On My Mind - Human Rights Day 2007
95. SG IMF - Democracy's "愛拼才會贏" 2006
96. Ong Kah Chua 王家财(译音)主演的新加坡版《黄飞鸿》 2009
97. Por Lan Par 捧卵葩 Carry "balls" 呵脬捧卵 2009
98. 刺青 Spider Lilies - Anti-Gay Hate Speech by Singapore's PAP Minister and Nominated MP 2008
99. SDP 916 march anniversary 2007
100. JBJ forms Reform Party Part 1 and Part 2, Q&A, Part 1 and Part 2 2008


Anonymous said...

The Films Act should be renamed as Martyn See Act, just like the Speakers' Corner at Hong Lim Park should be named after Chee Soon Juan.

ed said...

Thank you for this list. Most appreciated.

HeWolf said...

Hey "Miserables in Singapore" is removed by youtube. Any alternate source?

HeWolf said...

Hey the video "Miserables in Singapore" is removed by youtube already. Any alternate source or archival?

Unknown said...

"Miserables in Singappore" restored here:

HeWolf said...

Thanks for restoring the video. Well made.
I've downloaded to HDD, just in case. :)
