Saturday, September 23, 2006

'Zahari's 17 Years' to premiere in Malaysia

Three Singapore films have been selected for screening at the 2006 Freedom Film Festival in Malaysia. Martyn See's 'Zahari's 17 Years', Tan Pin Pin's 'Singapore Gaga' and 'Moving House' will feature among an international slate of films dedicated to raising the consciousness of socio-political issues.

Following Martyn See's participation in last year's festival, local documentary filmmaker Tan Pin Pin has been invited by this year's organisers to present her work. She will be attending the screenings at Taylor's College in Subang Jaya.

The festval will run over two weekends in two venues.

29 Sept to 1 Oct
KLANG VALLEY : Taylor’s College, 1, Jalan SS15/8, 47500, Subang Jaya,
For invite in Klang Valley, call Effa Desa 03-79685415

6 Oct to 8 Oct
PENANG : The Actors Studio Greenhall, Ground Floor, Zhong Zheng School Memorial Centre, 32, Lebuh Light, 10200 Penang
For invite in Penang, call Wee Ching 012-2755438 Or Chon Kai 019-5669518

Showtimes for 'Zahari's 17 Years'
Klang Valley on Oct 1, 2.30pm
Penang on Oct 8, 2.30pm

The full schedule of the festival here.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

'Singapore Rebel' goes Taipei

If you happened to be in Taiwan or are planning to visit in the next couple of weeks, you might want to include some movie watching in your itinerary. 'Singapore Rebel' and Royston's Tan '15' (the movie version) and 'Cut' will be screened as a triple-bill.

2006 Asian Workers’ Works
Cross Border Cultural and Educational Foundation
September 27–6 October 2006

Shooting Left Asia Film Festival - Taipei, Taiwan

Venues and showtimes.

30 Sept - Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre

AM10:00-12:00 / The Big Durian(75’)+ Romantik ISA(43’)
PM12:30-2:30 / Hitting Two Birds With One Stone(5’)+ Surviving Beijing(125’)
PM3:00-5:00 / Labor Arts Conversation 1
PM5:30-7:30 / Singapore Rebel(26’)+CUT(13’)+15(90’)
PM8:00-10:00 / Labor Arts Conversation 2


3 Oct -
Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre

AM10:00-12:00 / Hitting Two Birds With One Stone(5’)+ Surviving Beijing(125’)
PM12:30-2:30 / Singapore Rebel(26’)+CUT(13’)+15(90’)
PM3:00-5:00 / The Burnt Theater(105’)
PM5:30-7:30 / The Moon Hunter(107’)+ Don’t Forget Me(15’)
PM8:00-10:00 / Garuda's Deadly Upgrade(50’)+Mass Grave(26’)+ Faces of Everyday Corruption in Indonesia(40’)


6 Oct - Assignment Theatre

PM12:30-2:30 / Singapore Rebel(26’)+ CUT(13’)+ 15(90’)
PM3:00-5:00 / The Burnt Theater(105’)
PM5:30-7:30 / The Moon Hunter(107’)+ Don’t Forget Me(15’)

If you need further details, email me at

'Singapore Rebel' previously premiered in Taiwan at the Urban Nomad Film Festival.

Link to Taipei Times report