SINGAPORE'S Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, said today he would like to be Prime Minister of Malysia only if that would benefit Malaysia as a whole.
Mr Lee told a Press conference here he thought a Malay should be Prime Minister for at least several more years.
He said: "We will keep everyone alarmed if Malaysia presents an international image of immigrant and indigenous stock able to find accomodation on a rational basis."
Asked to what extent Malaysians had a sense of national unity, Mr Lee said: "I am not satisfied with their feeling of nationalism.
"It will take some time to fuse four different entities, sometimes with conflicting interests."

The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, said today that Mr Lee Kuan Yew's ambition to be Prime Minister of Malaysia could ruin the country.
Adressing members of the UMNO branch, Inche Senu said Mr Lee had humiliated the Malays by saying that no one race can say this is their native land.
"Mr Lee made an attempt to distort history," Inche Senu said, "and I wish to give him a piece of advice that whoever wants to contradict history or fight against the process of history will destroy himself in that process.
"What he really means by that remark is that Malays should have no special privileges or rights as duly constituted and agreed to him before the formation of Malaysia."
Describing this as a "dangerous political tactic, Inche Senu went on: "No one party can rule this country without the support of the Malays. Mr Lee know this.
"If you want to rule, they must have two things before them. First, they must co-operate with UMNO; second, they have to isolate, split and destroy the UMNO at every level."
"This can be done by instigating and dividing teh Malaysians. This is what Mr Lee attempted to do when he made such humiliating remarks."
Inche Senu the said that since teh alliance came into power, it did not have any trouble or conflict with the races in this country.
'Too Small'
"Now Mr Lee is impatient to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Singapore island is too small for him. "
"He thinks he is clever, but he forgets there are people in Malaysia who understand his manoeuvres. He is drunk with flattery, showered upon him by the foreign press."

The president of the Penang UMNO division, Syed Hassan Aidid, said today that as long as the Alliance remained in existence, there was no hope for other parties to govern the country.
"Even is Lee Kuan Yew feels that he is a smart man - smarter than Tengku Abdul Rahman - he must not dream of replacing the Tengku as leader of the Central Government," he said.
"As long as Mr Lee keeps on abusing the Malays, he can never hope to get any support from them and without this, he will never gain the reins of government."

Tengku Abdul Rahman said today that he did not think the people of Malaysia would put the Singapore Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, into power.
He was commenting on reports that Mr Lee was aspiring to be become the nect Prime Minister of Malaysia.
"I wish him good luck. I am a tired man," said the Tengku.
"If he succeeds, let him take over, but I don't think he can, as I'm sure the people of would not want to put him in power."
Fantastic work Martyn, keep it up. Where and how did you get access to all those old newspapers. I think its great to get access to this historical material online.
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